A RARE teddy bear that was made in 1912 to mourn those killed in the Titanic is on display in Witney for the last time.

Teddy Bears of Witney, in High Street, paid £8,800 for the bear, named Othello, in 1990 and it has since gone on display around the world.

The bear was one of only 454 made by teddy bear firm Steiff and, despite being 100-years-old, is in fantastic condition. But the shop has decided to sell Othello and it will be the number one auction at the Steiff Festival in Germany in July.

Shop assistant Kay Bellinger said: “A lot of people have seen Othello over the years and we thought this year would be a lovely year to share him with someone else.”

Asked how much Othello is worth today, she would only say: “That remains to be seen.”

But the Witney shop is also home to Alfonzo, a bear which once belonged to a Russian princess and for which the shop paid a world record £12,100 for in 1985.

Alfonzo is thought to be the only red Steiff bear of its age in existence.