IT IS with interest that I have been following the reports in your paper about the waste of tax payers’ money on painting and then removing yellow lines on the road.

This has cost the public a considerable amount of money on the supply of paint, equipment and manpower.

The state of the roads has cost me money. So far, I have written off three car tyres through potholes I have hit.

In disgust I sent in a claim for the last damaged tyre. It was rejected even though we had sent photographs of the tyre and potholes, along with details of where it was situated.

Needless to say, this particular pothole has now been filled in, but not the others along that stretch of the road.

I suppose the next waste of our money will be flower displays around the villages and towns and on islands on the roads and verges while the roads will still remain in a state of disrepair because of a lack of money.

Why do we pay road tax and council tax when it is so obviously wasted without a care or thought for public health and safety?

JEAN HITCHCOCK, Windmill Close, North Leigh