YOUR On Yer Bike columnist Honour Tomkinson (March 13) calls for more action to improve Cycling facilities.

In her next column, perhaps she will state where and what precisely can be done in Oxford without discouraging walking or putting more responsibility on other road users.

I read, for example, that the towpath in Jericho is to be made more suitable for cycling – and less safe and attractive to walkers.

There were signs some months ago that, following the nomination of a member of the county council as a representative for cycling, Cyclox was maturing from complaining and demanding to educating. This is now forgotten.

I have been following The Times’s campaign which, incidentally is called “Cities fit for cycling” and not what your correspondent calls it. I wrote about it to Andrew Smith, MP for East Oxford.

In reply, he told me that at the meeting called by the newspaper, while supporting the campaign, he and others pointed out the importance of responsible behaviour by cyclists and the need to show respect for pedestrians and traffic regulations. My own suggestion is of a parallel campaign for “Cycling fit for cities”.

Your correspondent writes that “most people in this country still consider bicycles akin to children’s toys”: some of those people are riding them on roads and footways.

ROBERT SEPHTON, Cherwell Close, Abingdon