THE county council’s detachment from ordinary people is again in evidence with its half-baked CPZ proposal for the Magdalen Road part of East Oxford.

All residents would like to see an improvement in the parking situation here but, to the county council, CPZs are of one kind only.

So it would like to charge people for a situation that will be worse than the status quo – a reduction in the available parking places, an increase in dangerous on-pavement parking and draconian restrictions to the number of guests parking.

If it bothered to find out what the issues really were in the area, it could create a scheme that actually improved people’s quality of life and garnered widespread support.

The county council seems indifferent to this possibility: the present proposal was extensively criticised when it was outlined two years ago and has now been resurrected without change.

Why is this issue in the hands of the county council anyway?

Dr DAVID MAW, Silver Road, Oxford