WOAH there, Miss Helen Watkins!

Don’t pick on me specifically. You may recall I am not the only one who reckons 50p is way over-the-top to use the loo. Good on you if you are willing to cough up. No offence meant to Mr Tanner – he’s probably a jolly nice chap and I wholeheartedly condone his litter policy. I just feel (as do many others) that this policy is not going to work. Don’t forget, parking in Oxford is already prohibitive and 50p to “go” will not attract visitors.

There are few facilities in Oxford. As secretary to Faringdon Residents’ Association for nine years, I did a good bit of fighting for folks’ rights, council lobbying etc (not always successfully, I’ll admit), so I do know, to a certain extent, what I’m on about. But have a go at the other contributors on my side as well please, not just me. Sadly, however posh they may be, you will always get those who will leave things in a not very desirable state, free or otherwise. My 50p will stay firmly in my pocket.

D. HOLLOWAY (Mrs), Wenrisc Drive, Minster Lovell