Our house which we own happens to face north-south.

This qualifies us under a Government scheme to have solar panels provided free of charge. So when, at a time when the politicians were getting cold feet, a cold caller invited us to take advantage of the scheme, we accepted.

The house was inspected for suitability and passed. So we prepared to sign a contract to have the panels fitted.

This is a 25-year agreement, after which we will own the panels I am 83, my wife is 81. Not to worry, we can bequeath the panels to our son. But we finally rejected the offer.

The sticking point came when we were asked to mortgage the roof to the supplying company for the 25-year period.

This would have imposed upon my wife and I the status of landlords with all the legal obligations that implies.

At our respective ages we were not prepared to take on the responsibility.

G. L. SAMSON Preston Road