It is staggering that there has been such an increase in the number of motorists caught using their mobile phones in a year.

And it will be painfully obvious that for the 6,363 caught by police, thousands upon thousands more have not been caught.

We have reported on too many cases where drivers have killed others while using their mobiles – either talking or texting – but it seems the message is not getting through.

Many years ago, not wearing a seatbelt or drink-driving were not overtly frowned upon by the community.

Now it is only the most moronic drivers who think it is acceptable to drive after throwing a skinful of ale down their throats.

We have to get to a position where the majority of motorists hold the same view about mobile phones, although it would be helpful if Thames Valley Police had an inkling why the numbers have increased.

Part of the problem is mobiles have wormed their way into people’s lives so much they feel they must be contactable at all times.

That brings its own stresses, so why not show some self-discipline and ignore the phone completely while driving? You may actually feel the better for it. And safer.