Sir – I was pleased to see that my attempt to draw public attention to Oxfordshire’s poor Key Stage II results has produced such a lively response from readers of The Oxford Times. I can well understand and share the frustration of your correspondents and realise how easy it is to blame either me, the Government or, indeed, the children themselves for the current poor standards in Oxfordshire education.

It is fortunate, given the recent criticisms of my grammar, that I do not teach the children but, rather, I am their champion and their parents’ champion. I will, therefore, turn my frustration into action to try to ensure that no child is failed or let down by the system. I believe the solution to what I have previously called “coasting schools” is to challenge governors and head teachers to develop strategies to improve results.

As Professor John Howson states in his letter, he has already challenged them to set a target of five per cent improvement.

The Department for Education is planning major changes in the way schools are administered. The role of the county council has not yet been fully clarified, but whatever the council’s role we are determined to be the champion for children and parents.

Councillor Melinda Tilley, Cabinet member for schools improvement, Oxfordshire County Council