Sir – I very much understand how upset residents of the Leys are at the suggestion that they should be moved into the Henley constituency. But I would just like to say that they will be very welcome if it happens. Henley has been a safe Conservative seat for far too long.

If they are moved, I will be encouraged to form a Henley Constituency branch of the EU-sceptic Liberal Party ( whose policy is to replace Dynastic Capitalism by popular and democratic capitalism with a UK universal inheritance for all UK-born UK citizens at 25, gradually introduced at £2,000 in the first year up to £10,000 in the fifth and hopefully more thereafter, financed by reform of Inheritance Tax.

Maybe the Lib Dems will catch on in both ways, but in the meantime they represent only Dynastic Capitalism and, not UK citizens, but the overpaid, under taxed bureaucrats in Brussels.

In the meantime, perhaps this is the moment anyway to reform the Oxfordshire Liberals, of which I remember being chair at the time of the merger that formed the Lib Dems.

Dane Clouston, Stadhampton