THE revelations in Tuesday’s Oxford Mail, relating to the fixed speed camera sites throughout Oxfordshire, are a staggering indication that almost all the sites are at locations where a high proportion of drivers exceed the speed limit.

What, therefore, are the highway authority and Thames Valley Police proposing to do about this situation?

Is the speed limit at each of the sites realistic and/or what measures can be implemented to encourage drivers not to speed?

The problem for these authorities is that any reduction in the amount of income received (which is about £70,000 from fixed penalty tickets and an additional amount generated by those offenders electing for speed awareness courses at £95 per person) would lead to a lack of funding.

While on the subject of fixed speed camera effectiveness, the fact that virtually all fixed speed cameras in Oxfordshire record only the rear number plate of the offending vehicle poses the question of how many drivers or riders evade prosecution.

This could happen because they are driving/riding a foreign registered vehicle, they have no fixed address in the United Kingdom or they nominate a friend or relative to accept responsibility for the offence, or they are subject to the Zycar probationary period following the passing of the practical driving test.

JOHN WHEELER, Manor Way, Kidlington