Sir – I write to reassure your readers that plans to build a link road for Harwell as part of infrastructure improvements in the Science Vale area remain very much alive and well.

Your recent article correctly stated that funding recently secured by the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) cannot be put towards the project. However, this is simply due to the time limit on spending the money which means it cannot be retained for this important scheme.

Transport planners at Oxfordshire County Council are continuing to develop the link road plans and are working with partners in the district council, Science Vale and through the LEP to identify potential sources of funding to build it.

All partners involved share the view that the link road is key to enabling the planned economic and housing growth in Didcot and for the Science Vale Enterprise Zone that includes the major business and research sites of Milton Park and Harwell to realise their potential.

Steve Howell, Deputy Director for Environment and Economy (Transport), Oxfordshire County Council