READING the story (Oxford Mail, November 26) about bed blocking and the comments by Anita Higham, vice-chairman of Oxfordshire Link health watchdog, pots and kettles spring to mind!

She states: “We can’t go on being dependent on other people to sort out our problems.”

She is doing exactly that!

Many patients who “bed block” may have no relatives and who is to say they are capable of caring if they have? this happened to a friend of mine. I did what I could while he was in hospital – clean pyjamas, squash, toiletries and regular visits, but it took seven months for him to go to a care home where he died three months later. The care package was not there.

I cared full-time for my late first husband and mother together while ill myself (and with no carer’s allowance – I wasn’t allowed to claim it!) and having my friend with us was an impossible objective (I didn’t refuse to do so) but was actually asked by the hospital. At the time we only had an upstairs loo. He would never have negotiated the stairs.

So I think Ms Higham needs to reassess the situation.

Until more care packages are available (ie, more money) this situation will go on. Put your own house in order before condemning thy neighbour.

MRS D HOLLOWAY Wenrisc Drive Minster Lovell