ELISE Benjamin, with whom I am on chatting terms when our paths occasionally cross, has invariably struck me as being a very charming woman who is, by most accounts, proving to be an excellent Lord Mayor of Oxford.

She tends to dress in a casual but by no means ‘scruffy’ manner, befitting her age and travels in a way compatible with her sincere convictions. Thus, as she herself indicates, she saves the taxpayer money in these particularly tricky economic times.

If she berated the complainant in a “harassing and strident tone, which disrupted the solemn occasion”, then there will obviously be plenty of witnesses to corroborate this imputation. Let them come forward in order for her to be judged accordingly, taking into account, if appropriate, any provocation.

The fact that the first two alleged grievances were not deemed worthy of contemplation, together with Elise’s pledge to avoid directly approaching Mr Kelly at any such future events, should surely suffice to close the matter.

DAVID DIMENT Riverside Court Oxford