As the war drums are again beating, the poor old British public are being hoodwinked and lied to over Iran and its alleged acquisition of a nuclear bomb, a lie.

The new chief of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Yukiya Aman, described himself as “solidly behind the USA on every key strategic decision”.

The former chief, Mohammed Al Baradei, refused to bow to US pressure and couldn’t be got at, hence the US puppet Aman.

In another Wikileaks cable, the US said they “could shape his, (Aman’s), thinking”.

These two revelations are outrageous and further more have not been picked up by the media in this country, the BBC and so called ‘liberal’ newspapers included.

Dick Cheney has boasted that Iran can do nothing without the US knowing about it. The US and Israel know well that Iran gave up the idea of a bomb back in 2003.

Now Oxford Mail readers will know all about Wikileaks and Julian Assange and can find the cables, easily. No wonder he’s been ‘set up’ under false allegations and could end up in a US jail, that’s what happens to whistle-blowers.

So why the silence by our great British media? After the disgusting illegal and immoral war in Iraq that claimed over one million lives, are we, the great British public, going to swallow these lies and allow another oil rich nation to be attacked, doubtless losing many more British servicemen in the process?

Sometimes I’m just plain ashamed to be British. Our media and politicians, they disgust me!

TIM W SIRET Millmoor Crescent Eynsham