A FAMILY fled for their lives after fire ripped through their home.

The blaze started in the loft of the bungalow in Radley before spreading through the property.

About 30 firefighters spent two hours battling the blaze in Sugworth Crescent on Saturday morning.

The family of five, who fled in their night clothes just before 5am, were taken in by a neighbour. One resident said: “Our next door neighbour was ringing our doorbell and told us his roof was on fire. So we ran to get the kids out and then everyone started arriving, all the fire engines.”

Six engines and three specialist support vehicles attended the incident.

The neighbour said: “It was hugely scary.”

Kennington Road was closed for about four hours.

One person, believed to be the family’s son, was taken to Oxford’s John Radcliffe Hospital for smoke inhalation. His condition was not thought to be serious.

Incident commander Pete Graham praised the quick actions of the occupants and fire crews. The cause of the fire is not yet known but police last night confirmed they were not treating it as suspicious.