FURTHER to Mr Charles Keevil and Dr John Sandalls (Monday, November 7), can I correct a few mistakes.

National Service may have become law in 1947 but I was called up on June 2, 1947.

New group numbers started, 101, 102, etc.

We were to serve 18 months as far as I recall.

As for Mr Keevil’s statement that his group had to serve two years, our intake (Group 101) served until February 1949.

We were told that we had to serve extra because of the ongoing trouble in the Far East.

As for ‘demob’, even the staff at ‘demob’ centre were confused and started to get ready to issue ‘demob’ suits, when some officers yelled out “this lot don’t get anything” and we left the place in what we were wearing.

Mr J HEYDEN, Square Firs, Combe