THIS coalition has already reduced the winter fuel allowance for the pensioners, etc, this year, but we now read that Mr Lansley is giving £30m-worth of aid to the shivering pensioners and children.

If this is the case then £30m he’s got to play with is most likely what they have taken off us in the first place, and he says: “Being cold in your home can be miserable and impacts on your health.”

No, Mr Lansley it doesn’t just make people cold and miserable, the cold weather kills as we have found out in the past.

So I say to you wealthy people in Government, you should have left the cold weather payment alone and added a bit more to it seeing as we are now getting colder winters.

You people need to start living in the real world because you’re way out of touch.

And of course I forgot you can most likely claim expenses on your second homes.

All right for some I suppose but then the tax payers wouldn’t want you lot to catch a chill (ha, ha).

P. HOWARD, Brome Place, Barton Estate, Headington