THE sheer size of a giant snake surprised a television crew at Cotswold Wildlife Park.

CBBC’s Live ’n’ Deadly filmed an episode at the Burford wildlife park last week, but producers had to change their plans when reticulated python Barney showed off his length.

Presenter Steve Backshall had been due to hold the beast on his own, but the 22ft snake was instead held up by five park workers to show off its size.

The huge creature was also witnessed by Brize Norton Primary School pupils who were invited to be part of the live audience.

Head of herpetology Iri Gill, right, said: “Barney is around 18 years old and has been at the park since 2000.

“Reticulated pythons are the longest snakes in the world, with records of about 33ft. He’s an estimated 22ft at the moment, but reptiles never stop growing.”