A DEVELOPER says it has had an “overwhelmingly positive” response to its plans for 184 new homes in Witney town centre.

An exhibition on the plans for 104 homes and 80 supported living homes for elderly people in Station Lane showed “unanimous” support, agent Carter Jonas said.

The homes would go on the Buttercross Works and Pine Lodge industrial estate.

The £35m scheme would provide 87 houses and 17 two-bedroom flats and 80 “extra care” homes for OAPs, with onsite staff to support residents.

The development is a project between developer Bower Mapson Limited and Cottsway Housing Association, which would provide the extra care homes.

Bower Mapson designer Peter Mapson said: “This was by far the most positive response to an exhibition of our development proposals that I can remember in 35 years in the industry.”

A final decision on the scheme will be made by West Oxfordshire District Council’s lowlands area planning sub-committee.