CLLR Keith Mitchell, the leader of the county council, claims library defenders, such as Philip Pullman, are responsible for cuts in elderly care (Oxford Mail, October 8).

In the same edition, Cllr Melinda Tilley accuses our teachers of fiddling marking. The day before Cllr Rodney Rose is criticised for wasting £19m on the Witney road-to-nowhere.

What exactly is going on? Are the Tory triumvirate trying to out-do Cllr Arash Fatemian for having the second worst record in the country for blocking patient transfers from hospitals?

Does it not ever strike the County Cabinet that the faults may lie closer to home?

Will Cllr Lorraine Lindsey-Gale admit there is a vested interest in bringing lorry-loads of other people’s rubbish into Oxfordshire?

Apparently under the deal with Viridor, the more their Ardley incinerator burns, the bigger the profit share for the county council.

Bring back Cllr Ian Hudspeth, all is forgiven! Well almost.

JOHN TANNER (Labour Cllr) Board Member for a Cleaner, Greener Oxford City Councillor for Littlemore & County Councillor for Isis