County council chief Keith Mitchell has returned to his familiar moan about library campaigners not caring about the council’s other responsibilities (Oxford Mail, October 8).

He claims that people wanting to keep libraries open are not concerned about social care. He boasts that the council has maintained spending for “social care for vulnerable children and our fire and rescue service”.

However, by Mr Mitchell’s logic, his protecting expenditure only on these two items suggests that he is not concerned about any other area of the council's responsibilities. It implies that he doesn’t care about pensioners or the disabled or youth clubs or even traffic-planning and waste management.

While misleadingly bleating about “lefties” campaigning against library cuts but supposedly not caring about social services, Mitchell admits that his council is cutting social care spending by £31m in four years.

Oh and there's another area where Mr Mitchell is determined not to make cuts: his personal council expenses, which have gone up from £5,437 to £6,283, with “remuneration” of £33,179.

Tony Augarde Carlton Road Oxford