MIKE Bellinger, the third generation to take charge of the family motor sales company in Abingdon and Grove, has died aged 59.

He died on September 24, having been diagnosed with a rare form of lymphoma in the summer.

As managing director of Bellinger’s for about 30 years he oversaw its move from the site in Mill Street, Wantage, to the purpose-built site in Grove in 1989.

The business now operates over two sites across the Vale of White Horse.

His wife Diana said: “The business has grown beyond recognition since Mike became managing director.”

Born in Oxford, Mr Bellinger left Abingdon School after gaining his O-Levels, which he mixed with his hobby of stripping down motorbikes.

He served an engineering apprenticeship at Rolls Royce in Bristol and Derby before returning to the county to join the family business in 1975.

Mrs Bellinger, 56, said: “He was enormously proud of the business and would always help out if he could. He was a gentleman. And he was very practical. His pride and joy was an old Jaguar XK 120 which he had renovated.”

Beyond his professional life, Mr Bellinger was active in the community, serving as a governor of the Hendreds Primary School and of the Wantage Town Lands charitable trust.

He was also a member of Grove Rugby Club. One of his other passions, beer, led to him establishing Bellinger’s Brewery.

Bellinger Vauxhall has now been taken over by his son-in-law Oliver Dimbylow and long-term manager Brian Cripps. Both of Mr Bellinger’s sons, Joseph and Thomas, now work in the business.

His family, colleagues and friends will now be raising money for the Lymphoma Association by growing moustaches in November.

Mrs Bellinger said: “His staff were very fond of him. He considered his colleagues as an extension of the family.”

A funeral was held at All Saints Church in Lockinge on October 4 and was attended by some 400 people.

Mr Bellinger, who lived in Ginge, is survived by wife Diana and four children Jennifer, Thomas, Joseph and Elizabeth.