Reading the Oxford Mail on September 26 about identical twins Jessica and Amber Jones being sent to different schools: how could Oxford County Council do this?

It must have known these little girls are twins.

I was an identical twin and I know how the twins must feel to be separated. It’s not a good idea. When I was put into a separate class from my twin sister, Tania, we were both upset, we did not sleep and we did not want to go to school.

There were a lot of tears. In the end, my mother had to sort things out and we were put into the same class. We were a lot happier, but for Jessica and Amber to be sent to separate schools is shocking.

Oxfordshire County Council should think again how these little girls are feeling.

How would they like it if they had a set of twins and they were sent to different schools?

I hope that they will have a change of heart and let them go to the same school to make these four-year-olds happier.

TERESA DUNSDON, Templar Road, Cutteslowe, Oxford