IN THE Guardian article reprinted (Oxford Mail, October 8, Mitchell: His own words), Keith Mitchell writes proprietorially about “my” county council.

With the characteristic tact that would do credit to a bulldozer he castigates anyone who dares to disagree with him and his policies as “local lefties” or “well-heeled worthies”.

In all his justification of the drastic cuts, nowhere have we seen proposals to cut councillors’ expenses, remuneration and perks. He has also suggested that some services, eg, libraries and youth clubs, could be staffed by volunteers – but we have heard no suggestion that there might be volunteer councillors.

There was a time when public-spirited people gave their time as local councillors to contribute something to their community rather than as a means of lining their pockets.

GORDON CLACK, 78 Witney Road, Ducklington