YOU know, I really do feel for all our students who are honest, down-to-earth and study hard to get grades so as to make a good life for themselves at the tune of £9,000 a year and, if they get work, they start their working career up to their neck in debt.

On the news on August 26, Ken Clark said he would get people into prisons, even if it was from the private sector, to train the inmates so that they would come out of prison with a trade – at no cost to the inmates.

This seems rather unfair.

So now, Ken, the inmates are getting qualified but you haven’t said how you’re going to get them into work because there is no work out there.

Our students can’t find work, even though they owe thousands of pounds.

I think this is another load of hot air from you.

I suppose you think it sounds good to the electorate, but we are not fooled.

You are trying to justify your existence in this Government. I’m surprised you haven’t been kicked out of office. Aren’t you a lucky man?

MR P HOWARD, Brome Place, Barton Estate, Headington