Sir – September 11, 2011, is the tenth anniversary of the destruction of the Twin Towers in New York.

This event affected people throughout the world and continues to affect the lives thoughts and feelings of many.

Oxford Council of Faiths (OxCoF) cannot ignore this act as it was seemingly performed in the name of religion. There is no faith that countenances the killing of innocent people.

As people of faith we want to affirm together the sacredness of all human beings. The members of OxCoF, people of the Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist and other faiths, who live, work or worship in the city of Oxford, confirm our commitment to peace.

On the tenth anniversary of this horrendous act we want to underline the place of religion in our Oxford community as furthering peace and harmony in a diverse community.

To mark this anniversary we ask people from all faiths to gather beside the Peace Plaque in Bonn Square at 2pm on the afternoon of Sunday, September 11, to stand in silence for 10 minutes as a mark of religious solidarity and a sign of peace to our city.

Bede Gerrard, Chairman, Oxford Council of Faiths