BANBURY charity Habitat for Humanity will be challenging visitors to Greenbelt Festival at Cheltenham Racecourse to help build a home in four days this weekend.

It is seeking 1,235 festivalgoers to put their name to a brick and build a mock house, with each brick pledge contributing to the charity.

During the festival, visitors will see both the mock house and a shack, demonstrating the living conditions for millions of people around the world.

Habitat for Humanity’s director Ian Walkden said: “Visitors can, with a simple action that takes five minutes, help a family to escape the most horrendous living conditions.”

The charity estimates 1.6 billion people live in inadequate housing in the world’s shanty towns, slums and rural villages.

The average cost of a safe, decent home in the developing world is just £1,235. The festival runs from Friday, August 26, to Monday, August 29.

For details, visit the festival stand or go to habitatforhumanity.