IN THE wake of the recent riots, we believe that the Government and many local councils are acting recklessly in cutting youth centres and youth workers across the country.

Specifically, we are opposed to Oxfordshire County Council’s proposal to abolish professional local authority youth work in Oxfordshire.

We call on young people and all those who care about the future to support any future strike by local youth workers.

GAWAIN LITTLE, president, Oxford and District TUC, SUE TIBBLES, secretary, Oxford and District TUC, JEMMA FOWLER, president, Oxfordshire NUT, BRENDA WILLIAMS, secretary, Oxfordshire NUT, PIERRE MARSHALL, chair, Oxfordshire Anti-Cuts Alliance, JULIE SIMMONS, secretary, Oxfordshire Anti-Cuts Alliance, BILL MACKEITH, Oxford and District NUJ, STEVE GLENNON, Stevenage TUC, DAVE STAVRIS, Oxford Campaign for the People’s Charter, MANISHTA SUNNIA, Oxford SOS, DAVE STRATHAM, president GMB Holborn branch, ROB WILLIAMS, chair, National Shop Stewards Network, STEVE ALLEN, chair of Oxfordshire FBU, CAROLINE GLENDINNING, secretary of Oxford City UNISON, PAUL MOFFAT, secretary of Eastern Region CWU, STEPHEN ROBERTSON, president of Banbury GMB