THE recent outbreak of criminality during the rioting tested the police of our country and, as usual, the rank and file responded magnificently, as did our other emergency services.

They need all the support we can give them.

I acknowledge that in many cases there is an underlying problem behind why some people are disaffected with their lot and this needs to be addressed.

The human rights issue is a problem, but I don’t recall miners and steel workers rioting and looting when their livelihoods were taken away, so why do these, mainly youths, have any rights that the miners didn’t?

But I also submit, nothing will ever take the place of a police officer out in the community, enforcing the laws of the land and receiving full support from the courts when they do so.

It is time a Government and society acknowledged the value and necessity of a fully professional police service and stopped trying to cut costs at the sacrifice of the majority’s quality of life in this country.

Brussels does not have our problems, so it’s time to stand up to them as well.

CHRIS PAYNE Turnpike Road Bicester