AS an ex-serviceman with seven years’ RAF experience, I can’t help wondering how much longer British people will have to continue seeing brave, young (some teenage) soldiers, coming home from Afghanistan in boxes.

Is that why people refer to them as our boys, not men, in Afghanistan?

How much of our hard-earned cash are we prepared to spend there?

The Prime Minister says “It’s to keep this country safe”.

Does anyone believe this? And to keep us safe from whom?

If the huge numbers of soldiers came home, they could be used to reinforce our borders to keep out whoever the Prime Minister thinks our attackers are.

I would think killing people in their own country is the best way to increase our enemies.

I do not wish to disrespect these very brave soliders, who are much braver than I will ever be, I just want us all to question what I think is a crazy situation.

ROGER KEABLE, Burwell Drive, Witney