A VOLUNTEER for an East Oxford hospice charity is turning to ‘the dark side’ to help raise money for the cause.

Florian Stoermer, 33, from Wantage, is one of a team of six volunteers and staff members at Helen and Douglas House who have signed up to run the Oxford Half Marathon in aid of the charity. To get extra attention, he will be doing so dressed as Star Wars character Darth Maul.

He said: “I had to start training in the gear and it is hard because you do not see much and sweat a lot. People beep their horn, or cheer me on when I’m running past them.”

He said he wanted to be part of the new running event, on Sunday, September 25, and took the opportunity to raise money for the charity.

Office volunteer Sue Anthony, 46, from Headington, said: “I am running for Helen and Douglas House because I believe the work they do is extremely valuable and this seems a good opportunity to raise local awareness and the profile of the charity.”

Community fundraiser Ellen Jardine, 24, from Oxford, will also be pulling on her running shoes. She said: “I like to set myself little challenges every so often and as this one is on the doorstep, it makes sense.”

To sponsor Mr Stoermer, visit justgiving.com/darthmaulruns and to sign up to run for Helen and Douglas House, call Poppy Hanbury on 01865 799150 or e-mail phanbury@helenanddouglas.org.uk