WE ALL know it's important to keep focused.

That's the aim of the Headington Focus Meetings that were announced in your pages (Oxford Mail, July 5). And, so, for the sake of clarity, we should spell out a couple of things.

First of all, we are organising and running these meetings, but we really want them to respond to people’s interests and concerns.

So we are keen for people to come along not just to listen but to participate and tell us what they want to see in the future.

The meeting this evening, at 6pm at Headington Baptist Church, in Old High Street, will be the first – and we have no doubt we will have lots to learn from those who come along to it.

And the second point is to make sure the meetings are not oversold: we are councillors for Headington ward and that’s the patch we can cover – from the top half of Headley Way to Windmill Road, from Old Headington to Old Road.

Other councillors cover other areas and we wouldn’t want to steal the limelight from them. We will be keeping our focus.

DAVID RUNDLE and RUTH WILKINSON, Oxford city councillors, Headington ward