I COULD not believe what I was reading when I read John Sanders’s letter (Oxford Mail ViewPoints, July 4).

He thinks putting in more bus lanes and bus gates is the answer to Oxford’s congestion problem. For a start, there are far too many buses on Oxford’s roads, which were only planned for horses and carts.

Oxford has got the worst road system in the country, even worse than London.

The alterations the councils have made have made things worse by narrowing roads. It needs a complete new system not planned by the county council.

But bring in consultants who know what they are doing, certainly not John Sanders.

He’s like all councillors, 100 years behind the times.

The city council have been anti-car for years. That is why we got such a stupid road system.

My advice to them is face up to the fact we are in the age of the car. Horses and carts and cycles went out decades ago.

Welcome to the real world, it’s time to wake up.

John Sanders, spokesman for transport, what a joke.

RON LEWIS, Grays Road, Headington, Oxford