ANOTHER council magazine could be scrapped to save taxpayers £39,000 a year.

Vale of White Horse District Council is looking to axe its UnValed publication and find a more cost-effective way of updating residents.

Produced three times a year, each issue of the glossy magazine costs about £13,000.

Last year, Conservative-controlled Oxfordshire County Council abandoned its Oxon News to save £180,000 annually.

Critics had branded it a “Tory propaganda mag”.

Leader of the Conservative-controlled Vale council Matthew Barber said: “There is a significant amount that could be saved, and many people, including myself, have suggested it is not good value for money.

“We would need to make sure we are still able to communicate important information to the public, but I think we can do that in more cost-effective ways than a hard copy posted to every house, with a long lead time often information is not up to date.”

Radley resident Steve King, 61, said: “Although it should be informative and unbiased it ended up being a party-political journal. We don’t need it and it won’t be missed.”

But leader of the Liberal Democrat opposition Richard Webber said: “We think it is a great shame and we are very concerned about how people who do not have the Internet will get news of what this council is doing.

“I do not think they have thought it through at all.”

Wantage resident Ron Bailey, 80, said: “I think it should be done in a cheaper way but it is still useful. It should be a paper copy rather than a glossy magazine.”

The last issue of South Oxfordshire District Council’s Outlook magazine cost £12,748 to design, print and deliver.

SODC leader Ann Ducker said: “We are not stopping it but we will be keeping it under review to see if the best way of communicating is by paper rather than any electronic way.”

Oxford City Council now only prints two issues of Your Oxford a year rather than three. The last issue cost £7,856 to design, print and deliver all 62,000 copies.

Council spokesman Annette Cunningham said: “It is a useful tool for delivering key messages, councillor contact details and service information out to all residents.”

West Oxfordshire District Council prints two issues of Creating Futures a year which costs up to £17,000.

There are also no plans to cut Cherwell District Council’s Cherwell Link which costs £14,757 to publish 59,500 copies once a year.