LATELY I have found myself reading your publication with bated breath, and sometimes skipping ahead to the viewpoints section hoping that, once again, Ken Roper has written in moaning about truckers.

Although I find his griping entertaining, could we just finish the subject off by saying there are some inconsiderate truckers out there who do bully people out of the way.

Also, as a counter argument, I’d like to say that there are also some inconsiderate car, van, motorcycle, dustcart, rickshaw, and bicycle drivers.

I’d like to apologise to Mr Roper on behalf of Mr or Mrs ‘FAD’, ‘OVLOV’, ‘AINACS’, and ‘SEDECREM’ for haunting his rear view mirror and causing him a headache.

Now can we find Mr Roper something else to moan about?

I’ve got some suggestions: the privatisation of the NHS, urban foxes, aid to Africa, repeats on the BBC, and cyclists in general.

NEIL THOMPSON, Cricket Road, Cowley, Oxford