FURTHER to your story Battle won (Oxford Mail, June 14), I would add that the whole drug industry needs to be updated and overhauled, because some drug companies are being irresponsible in their pursuit of huge profits.

So many off-the-shelf medications are inadequately labelled and fail to warn of the incompatibility with certain other common drugs.

Last week I was rushed to A&E at our wonderful JR Hospital after suddenly becoming very ill.

It was found I had blocked intestines due to taking strong painkillers two days previously for back pain.

I had also taken a liquid remedy for severe indigestion.

The bottle wrapper, however, failed to state that I was not to take it while using painkillers. The result could have been catastrophic or even fatal without the quick actions of paramedics and hospital staff.

I was discharged after two days of having my gut pumped out, and was told that this type of admission forms five per cent of all emergency admissions.

Some drug companies are making enormous profits while failing to mention important information that could reduce sales.

David Cameron should focus on this behaviour.

ADRIAN TAYLOR, Thames court, Eynsham