CAN someone tell me what on Earth David Cameron is doing?

This country is debt-ridden, our NHS is at breaking point and cuts are being made everywhere. Yet last week he committed an extra £814m of British money to vaccinate children in poor countries.

He insisted that the UK had a “moral” obligation to help these poorer countries despite public spending cuts at home.

Mr Cameron needs to wake up and listen to the people of this country. I for one, don’t want to give money to other countries when our OAPs and those with terminal illnesses are treated like second-class citizens.

To raise this money it seems he is robbing the taxypayer.

Stop all aid to all countries, unless there is a natural disaster. Use our money to repair this broken country and close our borders to benefit cheats and scammers.

We need to sort ourselves out before we try to help others, and we cannot afford to pay out money that we have borrowed in the first place.

Charity begins at home.

JOHN MONAGHAN, Cotman Close, Abingdon