SEVERAL recent news items underline the incompetence – even stupidity – of Oxfordshire County Council.

You report (Oxford Mail, June 13) that the council has resubmitted its plans for a new rubbish tip in Kidlington, which I am told will cost taxpayers about £3m.

At the same time, the council intends to close the Redbridge recycling centre to the general public.

Perhaps Keith Mitchell, in his finite wisdom, could explain why it makes sense to close one rubbish centre while opening another at vast expense?

I raised this question in a letter two months ago but nobody bothered to reply.

You also report (June 11) that the county council has built a new roundabout, south of Bicester, which is so badly designed and signposted that it has already been the scene of seven collisions – some of them leaving people paralysed – in nine weeks.

A further report (June 15) says that “Oxford is the 13th most congested city in Europe, according to a new survey”.

This is no surprise, as our councillors have been making traffic conditions worse for many years through their ill-considered plans.

Remember that slogan: “It'll be terrific without the traffic”? It makes you want to laugh... or cry.

TONY AUGARDE Carlton Road Oxford