A HOST of cycling-related events are taking place around Oxfordshire from today to celebrate Bike Week.

From Lycra-clad speed freaks to those who prefer a leisurely ride along the towpath, with more than 20 events planned organisers hope to offer something for cyclists of all ages and abilities.

It is hoped between 500 and 1,000 people countywide will take part in the activities, which run until Sunday, June 26.

As well as rides of varying different lengths, there will be a few quirkier events, such as bike polo and a bicycle treasure hunt.

Cyclox, Sustrans, Oxford Cycle Workshop, Abingdon Freewheeling, Bainton Bikes; Isis Cyclists and the Cyclists Touring Club, along with the city’s two universities, have got together to organise a host of different rides and activities.

Cyclox’s James Styring said: “It’s not about racing or going quickly and we will always go at the pace of the slowest participant.

“As well as regular cyclists, we want to get people who don’t cycle often to dust their bikes off, get them out of the shed, put some air in their tyres and go and discover some of the routes.

“There are all sorts of towpaths and quiet bridleways that often even experienced cyclists don’t know about.”

One of the most popular events is expected to be a ride from Oxford to Eynsham in memory of former Oxford Pedestrians’ Association chairman and Cyclox member Paul Cullen, who died in May, aged 67. It takes place on Tuesday, setting out from Broad Street at 6.15pm.

Abingdon Freewheeling founder Emily Sharp said: “We want to appeal to people with a wide range of interests.

“Hopefully we can inspire those who would not normally go on a bike ride.”

Events include:

Saturday, June 18: 9.45am, women-only 20-mile medium difficulty ride to Boars Hill, starts Broad St, Oxford; 9.15am, country and riverside 25-mile medium difficulty ride, starts Broad St; 9.15am, mountain biking celebration, ride lengths from five miles, starts Upton village hall, Station Rd.

Sunday, June 19: 9.30am, joint Cyclists Touring Club and Isis Cyclists ride, 25 or 50 miles, starts Broad St; 1.45pm, family ride to Cutteslowe Park, four miles each way, starts bottom end of South Park, Morrell Ave, Oxford; 2pm, Cakes at Tackley, eight-mile medium ride, starts Broad St; 2pm, Two-hour tour of historic Abingdon, starts at the Market Place.

Monday, June 20: 6.15pm, Paul Cullen memorial ride to Eynsham, fifteen-mile three-hour ride, medium difficulty, starts Broad St; 6.30pm, wine and the workshop, two-hour bicycle maintenance session (book in advance).

Tuesday, June 21: 6am, solstice morning and breakfast, twelve-mile two-hour medium ride. Starts Broad St; 6pm, Now Wash Your Hands Please! six-mile easy ride to highlight health, safety and cycling hazards in Oxford, starts Broad St; 6.30pm, solstice evening mountain bike ride, two-hour 16-mile ride, starts Abingdon Market Place.

Wednesday, June 22: 6.30pm, Abingdon wildlife sites tour, four miles, gentle riding, starts at the Market Place; 6pm, sculpture tour, 12-mile easy ride, starts Broad St, Oxford.

Thursday, June 23: 6.30pm, Abingdon social ride, two-hour, 15-mile gentle ride, starts at the Market Place; 6pm, tour of three famous Oxfordshire graves, medium difficulty 24-mile ride, starts Broad St; 6pm, bike polo and beginners’ grasstrack cycling, Cherwell School, Marston Ferry Rd, Oxford.

Friday, June 24: 3pm, strawberry picking, eight-mile gentle ride, starts Broad St, Oxford; 6.30pm, Alleycat bicycle treasure hunt, starts Broad St.

Saturday, June 25: 3pm, Otmoor circuit, 25-mile three-hour circuit, starts in Radcliffe Square, Oxford.

Sunday, June 26: Noon, ride to Wychwood Brewery, Witney, medium difficulty 25-mile ride. Places must be booked; 10am, French cycle Xchange, five-hour 40-mile cycle ride, medium difficulty, starts Abingdon Market Place.

For more information, see cyclox.org