REGULARS at one Oxford British Legion Club scored far more than 180 last week, when they raised nearly £2,000 in a marathon round of pub games.

Seven men at the Headington British Legion in Barton spent a full 24 hours playing games, including pool, darts and crib.

The marathon was to raise money for the Poppy Appeal, as part of fundraising events across the country.

Terry Cox, chairman of the Headington British Legion, said: “It was fantastic, the boys started at 8pm on the Friday and then played straight through until the Saturday night.

“They did a great job. We raised £368 through the raffle and then they raised another £1,466 on top of that.

“Four of them even lasted until midnight on the Saturday.”

The men played a combination of pool, darts, crib and snooker, rotating the games every hour. During the crib games, each of them would bet £5, with the loser putting their money into the appeal.

Mr Cox said: “They did a brilliant job. We didn’t expect anywhere near that amount, so it’s been a great start to this year’s official launch of the Poppy Appeal.”

The marathon finished with a fundraising evening at the club, including live music and a raffle.

Those taking part were David Cox, Peter Doolan Jr, Peter Doolan Sr, Larry Richens, Jason Giles, Wayne Stevens and Andrew Trafford.

Mr Doolan Jr, 35, said: “It went very well. It was hard work though, harder than I had imagined.

“I play pool in the league, so I found that the easiest of the games, but the darts wasn’t happening. And we got a bit worse at everything as time went on.

“But it was all for a good cause, it’s one of the only charities I properly believe in.”

Mr Doolan said although everyone got tired as the 24 hours progressed, morale had stayed high.

He added: “I think spending a full 24 hours with my dad was the hardest bit.But special mention has to go to Angie Stevens at the Legion. She made us a big breakfast and a great curry.”