I have just paid my £35 to Oxford City Council for the privilege of recycling my garden waste. If I move, there will be no refund, and the upkeep of the bin is my responsibility.

There are no concessions unless you get housing or council tax benefit. And while I am very sympathetic to those who need or deserve those benefits, I am sick and tired of having to stump up money for essential services.

I cannot park outside my house without a permit, which costs £40 a year, and if I want visitors, I must pay £25 for visitors’ permits. I was even told by one councillor that I shouldn’t expect to park in the street for free.

What about the £1,400 council tax that we pay each year for services, as well as road tax that and the hiked tax on petrol? That’s hardly free is it?

Meanwhile, our youth services in Cutteslowe and Wolvercote are also being cut.

Should we be grateful for all this? I really don’t think so.

I asked the council for a new garden fence but, it seems, that is now the responsibility of the tenant. Is there anything that isn’t? On the other hand, is there anything that there is a concession for, if you are a pensioner or are stupid enough to go to work and pay your taxes?

I think the Lib Dems were embarrassed to canvass our streets. At the General Election, they told us to vote Lib Dem to keep the Tories out. Then we found they were in bed together, singing from the same hymn sheet.

I am disgusted at all the things that we are conned into paying for. Why don’t we just say ‘no!’.

Paula Sweeney Wolsey Road Cutteslowe Oxford