IT is very disappointing that Oxford City Council’s area committee meetings are going to be dissolved to save £22,000 a year and are being replaced by quarterly area forums and separate planning committee meetings.

I have diligently attended these area committee meetings and on April 19, on the north-east area committee agenda was a planning application for the Cavalier pub to be demolished and replaced by 35 student flats and a shop. However, this is on a very dangerous bend, with a school right opposite, with more children than ever planned to attend it.

At the meeting, the councillors asked a lot of questions about the issues and their concerns.

But when it came for the time to vote whether or not to approve this planning application, the hands went up in favour of it being passed – another example of giving in to more student accommodation.

Could it be Oxford Brookes University students who are going to live there?

It seems that everything that Brookes want in our area, our councillors agree with.

MICK HAINES, Croft Road, Marston