Sir – Witney Town Council has finally accepted the required resolution so that an application for Fairtrade status for the town can be made to the Fairtrade Foundation.

This was quite a momentous occasion as it was over three-and-a-half years since we first approached the council.

On behalf of WAFTAG, we would like to thank all the wonderful people and businesses (large and small) of Witney who have given us so much support through a long and sometimes difficult journey.

We would also like to thank the churches, schools, offices, health care practitioners, guest houses and community groups who have pledged their support to Fairtrade.

We were so proud to list all this wonderful support for Fairtrade in Witney in our application and we look forward to a celebration very shortly.

Wendy Maddison and Sally Lee, Co-founders of Witney Area Fair Trade Action Group