PRANKSTERS renamed the village of Bampton yesterday as Oxfordshire got into the April Fool’s Day spirit.

Signs leading into the village were changed to Downton, after TV show Downton Abbey which is filmed in the area.

Alan Clarke, landlord of the Horse Shoes pub in Bridge Street, said: “I think that is marvellous.

“It just shows a bit of imagination and might bring a smile to people’s faces.”

Meanwhile, the Cotswold Wildlife Park, near Burford, was the unsuspecting victim of pranksters... again. About 30 people had phoned asking to speak to Mr C Lion, Anne Teeter, Don Key and a myriad of other puns. Jeremy Bainbridge, who takes calls at the park, said: “We get them every year without fail.

“But they are quite fun and we certainly do not mind. It brightens our morning up.

“The best ones are the ones we have not heard before. Anne Fibian was a new one for this year.”

Meanwhile, in Oxford, self-styled group ‘Oxford April Foolers’ caused mischief in Headington.

Residents in Ramsey Road may have been shocked when they received a letter informing them their road was to be closed for four weeks.

Posters reading “missing snake” appeared, warning a three-foot biting python was on the loose, after escaping from his owner’s house.

And, of course, the Oxford Mail got in on the act with its story about the ‘Health and Safety Board’ which was set to force competitors to use plastic sticks at the World Pooh Sticks Championship.

Readers will be pleased to know the concerns about splinters from conventional sticks were unfounded.