A TUTOR whose mother, brother and sister all battled multiple sclerosis is to donate fees cash to a charity which supports sufferers.

Chris Sivewright, 55, will donate all the business and economics tuition money he gets from his British pupils until the A-Level exams this summer to the Multiple Sclerosis Society.

His mother Joyce, who died in 1989, had to walk with sticks because of the debilitating neurological condition. The disease also hit sister Anne, 70, who lives in Canada, and brother Robert, 68, of Sidcup, Kent.

Mr Sivewright said: “Robert used to be in the army, he was a paratrooper and he was a boxer. He is now 68, but has had MS for 20 years. Because he was so physically fit, you could see the change MS has caused.”

Mr Sivewright charges between £25 and £30 for an hour of coaching in business and economics from GCSE to A-Level.

He has already raised £180, enough to fund an MS Specialist Nurse for one day, and hopes to raise £1,000.

He is also in talks with Oxford Tutorial College to teach economics over the Easter holiday, which would pay his tuition fees to the charity.

If you would like to support Mr Sivewright’s fundraising for MS, he can be contacted on 01865 556 361, email at chris.oslmarketing@gmail.com or online at justgiving.com/chris-sivewright.