OXFORD Mail photographer, Mark Hemsworth, captured a strongly-worded hand-held placard during last month’s protest march opposing county council cuts (Oxford Mail, February 14).

Two things bothered me about the sign which read: “Saddam Dead! Ben Ali Out! Moubarak Out! Mitchell?”

Firstly, was the sign suggesting that council leader Keith Mitchell be removed from office, or planet Earth?

I’m no great fan of anyone who uses Mein Kampf as a blueprint to local government (his words), but the ultimate sanction does seem a bit too strong, even for Mr Mitchell.

Secondly, mentioning the names of tyrants is one thing, but bringing them down to Mr Mitchell’s level is unacceptable. They’ve worked hard for their infamy, let us not expand the ego of this already self-inflated little man any further.

I’m not a lefty, or wealthy enough to be a true socialist, but I’m pleased that people are resisting, especially the vulnerable groups Mr Mitchell tirelessly targets.

Fight the good fight people! This is your Oxfordshire!

DAVID WILLIAMS, David Walter Close, Oxford