Following news of the increase in monthly allowances for MEPs, it is interesting how at a time we are being told ‘we are all in this together’, that these obscene increases are allowed.

The rise was agreed at a time wages for many UK workers was being frozen. The bigoted hypocrites who run our country, meanwhile, are doing their utmost to ensure any changes do not affect themselves but cause misery to the hard-pressed workers of this once great country.

Past governments have done little to reward workers, especially those who try to better themselves and their families by working overtime or shift work, only to be hit with more taxation.

With ever increasing costs and rulings to the UK coming from the EU, why does Mr Cameron not quell the country’s fears by commissioning an unbiased study into the pros and cons of remaining a member, followed by a referendum?

Or is he worried he, and many of his colleagues, may end up losing their luxurious lifestyles?

Running the country like a tribal elder is fine but the natives are sharpening their spears, so beware.

Mick Mason, Church Street, Ducklington