YOUNGSTERS discovered the weird and wonderful world of science with help of two of television’s best loved stars.

The Wallace and Gromit Roadshow arrived at Science Oxford on Thursday, where visitors learned how to make their own version of Wallace’s Runabout Steam Chair.

The animated pair have starred in a string of hit shows and programmes since bursting on to our screens in 1989. Wallace is a renowned inventor, with creations ranging from bionic trousers to a train set that will make his breakfast.

Entrance was free to the BBC event at Science Oxford, in London Place, but demand was so high tickets were snapped up more than a week ago.

Science Oxford spokesman Dominic McDonald said: “It has been a brilliant success.

“It’s our first collaboration with the BBC and has been extremely popular.”

Max Swanson, 10, from near Henley pictured left with Tim Dindjer and Faye Bousfield, nine, said: “It was a fantastic day, really brilliant. I enjoyed seeing how the motors worked the most.”