Sir – It is astonishing that the leader of the council, Keith Mitchell displays such a lack of respect and adopts such a dismissive tone in his letter (February 17).

It is a pathetic tactic to claim that because people in Oxfordshire are concerned about cuts to libraries and other services, that they have no compassion or consideration for fellow citizens. It is extremely worrying that the most senior member of the council should resort to such a basic and offensive argument, which borders on the language of extremism. These are scare tactics which aim to convince us that people will die if libraries are not cut.

He clearly underestimates the intelligence of the public so profoundly, that he believes this idiotic argument will convince. He is wrong. If comments like this had been made on the national stage, there is no doubt that the public outrage and pressure from the media would force the perpetrator to resign or be pushed out. I hope the same will happen to councillor Mitchell.

James Lloyd, Oxford