A CAMPAIGN for free parking across Cherwell is gathering pace after it emerged it would cost council tax payers in the district just £2.25 a month.

Cherwell District Council, which own nine car parks in Bicester and 17 in Banbury, said the average band D household would have to pay an extra £27 a year to make it a reality.

Parking fees are due to go up 10p an hour next month, along with new charges for evenings and blue badge holders.

Traders support free parking saying it would put retailers on an even footing with out-of-town shopping centres, and give people an incentive to use the town centres.

Dionne Arrowsmith, who owns Deans Court Cafe in Bicester, said: “It’s a no- brainer.

“The reality is if your bill went up by £27 you would not notice it.

“But if you could drive into the centre of town and get free parking I think everyone would notice that.

“The way things are in Bicester town centre anything that will attract new customers can only be a good thing and free parking has got to be the best thing that could happen.

“People would come in more often and may go and have a coffee or a cake somewhere as well.”

Resident Jason Ayres, of Chapel Street, Bicester, supported the idea, but raised concerns there could be a backlash from people who did not have cars.

Tony Douglas, of Henry’s Menswear, in Bicester, said: “We are all in it together.

“You could say people who don’t have children shouldn’t pay for education.”

Bicester Vision and the chamber of commerce have launched a survey to ask if residents would be prepared to pay the extra £27.